Windows 10 Allows Developers to Use Android and iOS Apps


Windows 10 was Announced a few months ago and BY Microsoft, Platform is intended to connect the past, present and future.

This is really happening!

With the latest Windows 10, it is now possible for Android developers to reuse the same code they used to create Android applications on Windows 10 to create the phone applications. Also the same will be possible for those iOS developers who want to see me disbursed for users of Windows 10. This service will be available in two new software development kit that Microsoft Will Provide For this group of developers that allows them to port Android and iOS apps on Windows 10 using Microsoft API.

Microsoft still Striving to match the number of Android and iOS

Android is by far the largest provider of mobile devices in the world. Although not provide devices in the true sense, but the Android OS allows multiple manufacturers to take advantage of OS That in turn has led to millions of Android devices in the mobile market today.

As a result of the dominance Its, Google Play Store is also home to the largest number of applications, boasting more than 1.4 billion at the time of writing esta. This is a remarkable number for this powerful Google app store, Something That Microsoft is just a dream, although there for a longer period than Google. Apple iTunes App Store established, but does not have the figures to show the Play Store. In particular this is due to the fact that Android is an open source OS, and only then any developer to upload Allows apps in the store, which is not the case with Apple.

Microsoft is without doubt still very much in the struggle as far as matching iOS and Android figures are concerned. Is Both companies dominated the market since the introduction of Windows Store applications back in 2012. However, this is About to Change With the latest Windows September 10 to transfer all the applications available on the Android platform to Windows 10 with very minimal changes in the source code. This Means That there will be no change in the core functions of this application.

Is this a Windows 10 by Microsoft marketing strategy?

This procedure will come as welcome to many developers who would have spent a lot of time to build an application from scratch is stored. On the other hand, It Might appear as a marketing strategy by Microsoft as the company looks to improve the increase in the number of those who could use the new Windows 10.

Developers are increasingly inclined towards the new Windows 10 With this move. This will help solve the problem of not enough Windows Store apps, Something That you put off some users as far as getting a Windows Phone device in question. If Microsoft were certainly determined to IMS idea of ??having Windows 10 on more than one billion devices by 2018, this is a viable way to Begin this process.


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